The Adofex project has been discontinued.
It was a web-service for localizing Mozilla XPI addons, built on top of then-opensource Transifex online translation platform. In Python 2.
All those technologies are not supported anymore by their creators.
If you had your extension localized on Adofex, you can still find your packaged resources below. Thank you very much for participating in the journey.
Yours, Tim Babych.
- Allow HTML Temp
- AwesomeBar Power Tip
- BabelZillamenu
- CardBook
- Category shuffle
- Chrome Store Foxified
- Clippings
- ConfigDate
- Copy Plain Text 2
- DownloadHelper
- Duplicate Tabs Closer
- Enigmail
- Fast Dial
- FB2 Reader
- Firebug
- FireTray
- FoxShop
- GaiaFormat
- Get/Send-Button
- Greasemonkey
- Hide Caption Titlebar Plus ⁵︎
- LastFM
- Location Bar Enhancer
- MailtoWebmails
- mashTape
- MozTran
- NativeShot
- Nightingale L10n Sandbox
- Nightingale Media Player
- Nightingale Website
- Panic Button
- Run, Bike, Hike
- Send Tab URLs
- SHOUTcast Radio
- SmartTemplate4
- Smart Zoom
- Thunderbird Conversations
- Toolbar Position Changer
- Topick
- Translator
- Youtube HomeFilter